
Welcome The Big Kindness Tree
  • About Us

    At The Big Kindness Tree, we are committed to providing an authentic, inspiring Montessori Education for your child. We deliver the proven Montessori method along with phonics-based Language development. Our integrated and inclusive mixed-age and child-centric classrooms ensure children are equipped with life skills and academic skills needed to not just make them ready for mainstream school but ready for life as well.

  • Our classrooms are designed to be functional and aesthetically pleasing allowing children freedom of movement and choice. Children are allowed to choose meaningful and challenging work that captures their interest, leading to engagement, intrinsic motivation, sustained attention, and a sense of responsibility to oneself and others. This child-directed work is supported by the design and flow of the Montessori classroom, which is created to ignite each child’s curiosity and to provide the opportunity to work in calm, uncluttered spaces either individually or with peers.

    We have highly trained and passionate teachers with proficiency in Montessori and Special Education.

  • Our carefully planned Montessori and Phonics based curriculum will help your child:

    • Learn cooperative social skills
    • To proficiently read and write
    • Develop self confidence and self-esteem
    • Develop an analytical mindset
    • Develop a lifelong joy, love and excitement for learning

    Our nurturing, supportive environment welcomes children of all abilities and learning capabilities. This includes children with mild-to-moderate spectrum of varied challenges/behaviours and learning difficulties with Academics.