Our Core Values

  • The Big Kindness Tree’s core values are grounded in the Montessori philosophy and guide our community, programs, initiatives, and unique culture. Our core values reflect how we work inside and outside the organization to achieve our mission, vision, and goals. At TBKT, we believe in:

    Children First – 

    • Children and their learning is our top-most priority in order to develop their values, a life-long love of learning, and the ability to reach their potential
    • We are committed to the safety, happiness, individuality, and potentiality of each child
    • We create a loving and caring environment that fosters happiness, and nurtures the creativity, curiosity, and imagination of every child
    • We meet each child with curiosity and a belief in their possibility. We trust that the child will reveal their greatest potential through engagement in an environment strengthened by secure, loving bonds

    Diversity and Inclusivity –

    • We are committed to maintaining a learning environment where each person is treated with dignity and respect, and where we all have the opportunity to thrive and develop
    • We promote community and cultural awareness in our classroom environments, and celebrate the diversity of our students, families, and staff
    • We understand that a child with learning differences might require additional expertise and implementing a specialized learning plan

    Quality Education –

    • We are committed to providing our children with a learning environment of the highest quality
    • Our authentic Montessori prepared environments are developmentally appropriate by providing hands-on learning materials, freedom of choice, a mixed-age classroom, the absence of rewards and punishments, uninterrupted work periods, and individualized instruction that supports each child’s growth
    • We cultivate within our students a passion for excellence in everything they do, both in and outside of school

    Value Education –

    • The development of a strongly held set of universal values, which include kindness, compassion, self-respect, respect for others, honesty, integrity, responsibility, empathy, peacefulness, a sense of concern for others, warmth, and a love of community
    • Through adult’s consistent guidelines, empathy, and trust, children will gain self-discipline and emotional self-awareness that will aid them in being intentional in their efforts to be positive members of the community, successful collaborators, and to gain inner peace in their lives

    Respect –

    • We value self-respect, mutual respect, respect for others, and respect for our environment
    • Children are taught to respect the rights of others and to appreciate the contributions of all

    Peace Education –

    • We cultivate each child’s ability to become peaceful, compassionate citizens and responsible stewards of the planet
    • Conflict resolution starts with a child learning emotional self-control, an open mind to listen to other’s experiences, and the ability to respectfully communicate one’s feelings and needs

    Independence and Autonomy –

    • Learning is based on the principles of respect, creativity and independence
    • Our classrooms are thoughtfully designed to meet our students’ developmental needs and support and nurture their natural curiosity for learning and reinforce the child’s independence and intellectual development
    • We encourage and guide each child to think and do things for themselves
    • By giving children opportunities, there is an increase in their self-belief, self-confidence, self-motivation and self-esteem that they will carry with them throughout their life

    Collaboration –

    • Learning in a collaborative environment is closer to real life and provides a social context to learning
    • A spirit of cooperation rather than competition is the best atmosphere for learning

    Support and Engage Parents –

    • We ensure parents feel confident that their children are safe and happy in a nurturing and joyous learning environment
    • Education does not start and stop at the doors of our school. It takes the whole community of family and school members working together to create an ideal learning environment for children
    • We engage families in active participation in their children’s education. Parent involvement is the inspiration that fires a love of learning

    Experiential Learning –

    • Children learn from concrete experiences and direct interaction with the environment
    • Education is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in which the child is a participant in his/her environment

    Educators/Staff as leaders and innovators –

    • We are committed to the Montessori pedagogy and we are dedicated to reflective practice and continuous improvement informed by current research and best practices
    • We have staff who have a love of learning and a love of young children, and feel happy, secure and supported themselves and know how to create the same environment to children and their families
    • We strive to maintain a professional work environment based on the principles of sound ethics, professionalism, diversity, and growth